Teme Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Clinic 07841 651005 catherine@temephysio.co.uk
  Teme Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Clinic 07841 651005catherine@temephysio.co.uk              

Sports Massage 



Sports Massage: A deep tissue massage that aims to relieve muscular pain, tension and stiffness. We use a combination of soft tissue techniques, including effleurage; deep tissue massage, trigger point release, muscle energy techniques and muscular hold relax techniques to restore range of movement, flexibility and optimal muscular function.



Acupuncture for well-being: Acupuncture aims to restore balance within the body.  It is a gentle treatment that uses extremely fine needles to stimulate the brain and spinal cord to produce endorphins (natural pain relieving chemicals), melatonin (which promotes sleep) and serotonin (which promotes well-being). We use a combination of generalised tonification points and specific points tailored to your individual needs.The combined effect is to provide reduced muscular pains, improve sleep patterns, and give an overall sensation of relaxation and well-being.

Please see our acupuncture page for FAQ.

All acupuncture treatments are performed by a Chartered Physiotherapist trained to use acupuncture


To book an appointment or to find out more:

Call us on:

07841 651005


or email at:






Teme Physio

The Moorings






Monday: 9.00-3.00pm

Tuesday: 9.00-3.00pm

Wednesday: 9.00-3.00pm

Thursday: CLOSED

Friday: Appointments available on request

Saturday: CLOSED

Sunday: CLOSED

Sports clinic appointments available on request









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